Friday, June 19, 2009

Jessie and Doug's wedding-post#3

Jessie is just beginning her walk down the aisle with her dad, biting her lips to keep from crying when she sees Doug standing there waiting for her.

Click here to view the slideshow :

I think I've watched that slideshow at least 20 times in the past 24hrs. Thanks Matthew, this mom really needed that!

Now for some random, out-of-order pictures.....just because...

Thanks to my friend Steff for taking these shots. Close-up of Erika's bouquet and some random flower pictures.
Doug's sister, Sondra on the left, and roomate BJ on the right (scratching her nose:) Lisa is in-between. Their cute dresses are from J.Crew. Yeah, these are candid shots from my friend; not Matthew's work, but I still love them. Also Jacob, Doug's nephew, and our little friend Asher at the wagon. Mike and Hudson in the background.

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