Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Post #1-Introducing Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smoker

Don't they look so happy???

Thank you Matthew Tennison for supplying some of these images to me. They are pure gold!

Please look a his blog for more at: http://www.tennisonphotography.com/

Jonnaysa is checking on the Bride and Groom to see if there is anything they need before they sneak away to their little getaway spot for some time alone before the reception.

Jonnaysa Kirkham and assistant Marah- http://www.plannedperfectionpa.com/- wedding planning

Matthew Tennison and assistant Steve- http://www.tennisonphotography.com/ -photographers & video photography

Rosie Rohrer- http://www.rosiescreativecakes.com/ - fabulous wedding cakes

Claudia Himes and staff- http://www.specialo.com/ -beautiful linens

A small part of the head Bridal Table decor.

The parade of children that Jessie and Doug love.

Kole, Hudson and Max, pushed by Eli

The person in the background is artist Nancy Perotti painting on- site
something special for the Bride and Groom.
Jacob and Asher pull the wagon... then the little flowers girls are
carefully dropping petals before the Bride. They all did a great job!

That's all for now. Much, much, much more to come!

1 comment:

  1. mom that is the first shots of the kids that i got to see, they look so CUTE. thank you for my perfect and beautiful day
