Saturday, September 26, 2009

The New Cork Factory's First Wedding

It's Lindsey Dukeman's wedding day! Lindsey is the friendly face of Hamilton Ballroom, and now also of  the new The Cork Factory  She's been assisting with hundreds of weddings in the past few years, and today it was her turn to be a beautiful happy bride, marrying Brad. 
Lindsey and Brad's invitations had lovebirds on them, and she used them throughout the decor
on the table numbers, cocktail tables, little salt & pepper shakers on the sweetheart table, and on the wedding cake.  Just enough, not overdone.

Beautiful linens from Special Occasions.

Below Rosie Rohrer assembles and finishes another cake masterpiece.

Lovebird details.
It's so exciting to have a another beautiful venue in Lancaster County.  It's a great  historic building and has been beautifully restored and enhanced.  The Powder Rooms are a must-see!
To make an appointment to see the Cork Factory for your wedding reception go to:

Wedding season is winding down in the next couple months, and we're looking forward to putting on the best wedding show EVER, the Sunday following Thanksgiving.

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