Sunday, December 20, 2009

Welcome to My Home this Christmas
My intention was to get pictures of all my holiday decorating and starting with the back porch door, invite you in. (Don 't they say back door guests are best?) However I am a very, very poor, photographer and I couldn't get any lighting right with my little digital camera, so this is all I have.  Even this isn't good, but I wanted all of you blog watchers to know that I would've loved to welcome you into my home this Christmas to have a cup of coffee and some homemade sugar cookies and a little inspirational 'wedding talk'. 

This is the time of year that I really enjoy switching gears for a short time and focusing on the wonderful Christmas Season.  Then in January I'm diving into all my new wedding books (that hopefully will be under the Christmas tree), signing up for design seminars and looking for new ones to attend this winter.  I take some time to sift thru all of  the pictures I've tried to take of our work-and decide which are going to make it onto the website or blog, as well as gathering from my photographer friends some of their fabulous images of our work.
  I also love to have some of my 'wedding friends',  over for lunch to chat about all things wedding.  Last year we took a  'field trip together to NYC to a big Bridal Show, which was great fun!
 And best of all I spend lots of time meeting with brides, grooms and moms to plan their wedding flower decor.

It's been a great year and I'm so thankful for each wedding we were blessed to do.  So in closing on this last blog before Christmas (well, maybe I'll do another one-) I leave you with an image of this inspirational carved frame I have in my home.  It's one that makes me stop and think- and try hard as the New Year approaches, to remember to apply these things to my life. Hope you get something out of it too.

Merry, Merry Christmas

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