Monday, January 4, 2010

Favorites of the Year-with more to come.....

I think of all 777 images of Jessie and Doug's wedding this one is my favorite.  I get to relive that happy moment when she stretched across a puddle to give me a kiss right after coming back down the aisle.    I'll never forget the happiness of this day.  I love that Matthew Tennison had his camera glued to his eye and didn't miss a single precious moment. I  also love seeing a man holding a bouquet.

Jessie and Doug adore their 5 little nephews. Just look at those cute little faces.

THE Matthew Tennison, our hero-and Sondra say cheeeze.

The perfect bridal party picture.

............what's on his mind?

He's checking out the bling on the bouquet stems!!
There are so many more fun pictures, but that's for another time.
Happy New Year everyone!

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