Not only have I fallen way, way behind on my wedding flower blogging but I'm falling short on sleep, falling over boxes (literally-no laughing!), but best of all- falling in love with these Phalaenopsis Orchids. Designed in a natural cascade with Mango mini Callas with a base of Hydrangea to support the delicate Orchids and a bit of Honeysuckle vine for a natural look.
Bridesmaids wearing burnt orange dresses carried Limelight Hydrangea with orange Pincushion Protea, Nora Brown Dendrobiums, Burgundy Cymbidiums and Honeysuckle.
This is the same bouquet in the open sunlight.
As busy as it was, we were lucky to get these pictures before we quickly loaded the vans and were on our way to deliver and set up.
All centerpieces were tall with candles hanging like a chandelier over the table. I'm hoping to obtain a picture of those for my winter blog posts. Much more to come when wedding season comes to a close for this year. I feel like falling into bed for a l-o-o-o-n-g nap. Good night.....
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